Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We need myth.

  A myth is a story that is passed along through time from person to person. Myths are not just any old stories, but a stories with a purpose or lesson.

  Korean Creation Myth "Tangun Mythology" has affacted to some of religions. To be specific, Dangun is worshipped today as a deity by the followers of Cheondogyo,and Daejonggyo. Moreover, Dangun is the second pattern or tul in the ITF form of the Korean martial art taekwondo. Students learn that the tul represents "the holy legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 BC."
  Like this, Korean creation myth "Tangun Mythology" plays an important role in achieving a contented personal life. This is because myths are such an critical part of our everyday lives.

  Also, myths plays an important part of all historical cultures. Every single human culture is designed around a complicated network of myths that have developed over the time. So, we need myths.